Project IGI 2 Free Download [2023]

Download Project IGI 2 For PC [Full Game]

STEAMUNLOCKED: IGI 2 Free Download is a first-person shooter video game developed by Innerloop Studios and released in 2003. The game is a sequel to the 2000 game “Project IGI: I’m Going In.” IGI 2 is set in a fictional world where the player takes on the role of a British Special Air Service (SAS) operative named David Jones. The game follows Jones’ mission to track down and stop a group of terrorists who have acquired a nuclear weapon.

STEAMUNLOCKED Download Project IGI 2 For PC

IGI 2 Download story is set in a fictional world where a terrorist organization called the Consortium has acquired a nuclear weapon. The British SAS sends Jones on a mission to track down and stop the Consortium from using the weapon. The game’s story is told through cutscenes and dialogue between characters. The game’s antagonist is a mysterious figure known only as “Priboi,” who leads the Consortium and is responsible for acquiring the nuclear weapon. Throughout the game, Jones must gather information and eliminate key targets in order to track down Priboi and prevent the Consortium from using the weapon.

IGI 2 Download For PC was released in 2003, and as such, its graphics may seem dated by modern standards. However, for its time, the game featured impressive graphics, with detailed environments and character models. The game also features a variety of sound effects and a score that adds to the game’s tense atmosphere. IGI 2 for pc download received generally positive reviews upon its release, with critics praising the game’s AI and gameplay mechanics. The game’s advanced AI was particularly noteworthy, with enemies displaying realistic behavior and responding to the player’s actions in a believable manner.

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The gameplay of IGI 2 Unlock all Missions Free Download

IGI 2 Unlock all Missions Free Download features a first-person shooter gameplay style, with the player taking control of Jones and completing various missions across the game’s campaign. The game has 19 missions in total, and each mission is designed to be completed in a linear fashion. The game also features several difficulty levels, which change the number of enemies present and the amount of damage Jones can take before dying.

IGI 2 Download Free features a variety of weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, and grenades. The player can carry two primary weapons and one secondary weapon at a time, along with a limited number of grenades. The game also features stealth mechanics, allowing the player to avoid enemies by sneaking around or using disguises.

The game’s AI is notable for its advanced behavior, with enemies responding to noise and taking cover when under fire. The game also features a squad-based multiplayer mode, allowing players to team up and complete missions together. The game has since become a cult classic, with many fans of the series citing Download IGI 2 free as their favorite entry in the franchise. The game’s advanced AI has also been cited as a significant influence on later first-person shooters, including the “F.E.A.R.” series.


Features of IGI 2 Free Download For PC

  • Single-player and multiplayer modes.
  • A variety of weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, and sniper rifles.
  • Large and open maps with various terrain types, including jungles, deserts, and cities.
  • Stealth gameplay elements, allowing the player to sneak up on enemies and take them down silently.
  • Multiple objectives and mission types, such as sabotage and rescue missions.
  • Advanced AI, with enemies that can take cover, flank the player, and call for backup.
  • A ranking system based on the player’s performance, which unlocks new weapons and equipment.
  • Vehicles, such as jeeps and helicopters, that the player can use to traverse the maps.
  • A variety of weather conditions, such as rain and fog, that affect gameplay.
  • Interactive objects in the environment, such as explosive barrels and fuel tanks, that can be used to take out enemies.
  • Multiplayer modes include deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag.
  • The ability to customize the player character’s loadout before each mission.
  • A dynamic soundtrack that changes based on the player’s actions and the level of danger.
  • Cutscenes and voice acting that help tell the story and provide context for the missions.
  • A replay system that allows the player to save and watch their gameplay footage.

Pros and Cons of IGI 2 Download Free


  • Variety of missions: The game features a variety of missions set in different locations around the world, providing players with a diverse gaming experience.
  • Tactical gameplay: The game requires players to use stealth and strategy to complete missions, making it more challenging and engaging.
  • Multiplayer mode: The game has a multiplayer mode where players can compete against each other or team up to complete missions together.
  • Good graphics and sound: The game’s graphics and sound effects are impressive for its time, providing an immersive gaming experience.


  • Limited AI: The game’s AI is not very advanced, which can make the gameplay predictable and less challenging at times.
  • Outdated graphics: While the graphics were impressive for their time, they may not be up to par with modern games, which may detract from the overall gaming experience.
  • Linear gameplay: The game’s missions are linear and do not offer much room for exploration or alternative paths, limiting replayability.

Alternatives of IGI 2 Game

If you’re looking for alternatives to the IGI 2 game, here are some suggestions:

  • Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: This is a popular stealth-based game that has similar gameplay mechanics to IGI 2. You play as a highly trained agent who must complete missions using stealth and strategy.
  • Sniper Elite 4: This is a tactical shooter game that focuses on long-range sniping and stealth. It has a similar theme of infiltration and mission-based gameplay as IGI 2.
  • Hitman: This is another popular stealth-based game where you play as an assassin who must complete missions using strategy and stealth. It has a similar gameplay style to IGI 2, but with a more modern setting.
  • Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain: This is a stealth-based game that has a similar theme of infiltration and mission-based gameplay as IGI 2. It also features a variety of weapons and gadgets to help you complete your missions.
  • Far Cry 6: This is an open-world first-person shooter game that has a similar theme of infiltration and mission-based gameplay as IGI 2. It also has a variety of vehicles and weapons to help you complete your missions.

System Requirements:

Minimum system requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 98/ME/2000/XP
  • Processor: Pentium III or Athlon 700 MHz
  • RAM: 128 MB RAM
  • Video Card: 32 MB AGP DirectX 8.1 compatible video card with hardware T&L
  • Sound Card: DirectX-compatible sound card
  • Hard Drive Space: 1.9 GB free hard drive space

Recommended system requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows XP
  • Processor: Pentium 4 or Athlon XP 1.5 GHz or higher
  • RAM: 512 MB RAM
  • Video Card: 64 MB DirectX 8.1 compatible video card with hardware T&L
  • Sound Card: DirectX-compatible sound card with surround sound
  • Hard Drive Space: 2 GB free hard drive space

How to Download IGI 2 For PC

  • Click on the download link given below then, the download page will open in a new tab.
  • Now click on the button “Free Download”.
  • A new page will open. You will have to prove that you’re not a robot.
  • After waiting for a few seconds, your download will start automatically.
  • After downloading, unpack the RAR file and run the setup.
  • Install the program and then run it as administrator.
  • After that, enjoy the full free game.

How to Install IGI 2 For Free

  • Download the IGI 2 game from the link given below.
  • If the installer does not launch automatically, navigate to the disc in File Explorer and double-click on the “setup.exe” file.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation process.
  • When prompted, enter the CD key that came with the game to activate it.
  • Once the installation is complete, you can launch the game from the Start menu or desktop shortcut.


What is IGI 2?

IGI 2 is a first-person shooter video game developed by Innerloop Studios and published by Codemasters. It was released in 2003 and is the sequel to Project IGI.

What platforms is IGI 2 available on?

IGI 2 is available on Microsoft Windows, Xbox, and PlayStation 2.

What is the objective of the game? The objective of the game is to complete a series of missions, each with different objectives and challenges. These missions involve a combination of stealth, combat, and puzzle-solving, and take place in a variety of locations around the world.

Can I play IGI 2 offline?

Yes, IGI 2 has a single-player campaign that can be played offline.

Is there a multiplayer mode?

Yes, IGI 2 has a multiplayer mode that supports up to 16 players. The modes include deathmatch, team deathmatch, and capture the flag.

What weapons are available in the game?

IGI 2 features a variety of weapons, including pistols, assault rifles, sniper rifles, grenades, and rocket launchers. The player can also use melee attacks and stealth takedowns.

Is there a cheat code for IGI 2?

There are various cheat codes available for IGI 2, such as unlimited ammo, invincibility, and one-hit kills. However, using cheat codes can disable achievements and may affect gameplay balance.

Can I mod IGI 2?

Yes, IGI 2 can be modded to add new content, such as maps, weapons, and skins. However, modding can potentially affect the game’s stability and is not officially supported by the developers.

Is there a sequel to IGI 2?

No, there is no official sequel to this game. Innerloop Studios closed down in 2006, and the intellectual property rights to the series were acquired by Toadman Interactive in 2016.


STEAMUNLOCKED: IGI 2 Free Download is a classic first-person shooter that offers a satisfying blend of action, stealth, and strategy. The game’s advanced AI and squad-based multiplayer mode set it apart from other games in the genre, and its legacy continues to be felt in modern games. While the game’s graphics may seem dated by modern standards, its gameplay mechanics and engaging storyline make it a must-play for fans of the first-person shooter genre.

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STEAMUNLOCKED: Download Project IGI 2

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